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Our story

We are a group of Christians who have started a new Anglican church in Colchester.  We would love to tell you our reasons for doing this and how we have seen God at work.



This new church is part of the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE).​​

AMiE is a fellowship of faithful Anglican churches committed to gospel mission.


AMiE is part of the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE), which was itself authorised as an Anglican structure in 2020 by the Archbishops of GAFCON.


Launching during a global pandemic was certainly not our initial plan!  But, in October 2020, we started online, producing a weekly service on Youtube.  It was an incredible few months, as we developed new skills and worked together as a team. From July 2021, we met in person and we are now a growing community. Every Sunday morning we gather, usually at the Rovers Tye pub, and we share our lives in various ways during the week. We have seen God at work in us all.


core values

Everyone is welcome to join us. We are committed to developing deep friendships with each other, and to encouraging one another to become more like Jesus.  We aim to love others and to open up our homes so we can share the best news in the world – that God offers his love and forgiveness to all who know and trust in Jesus. 


All AMiE churches have 5 identity markers:

Biblically Rooted, Contextually Shaped, Corporately Active, Episcopally Served, Richly Connected


If you’d like to know more about what we believe, you might like to read the 39 Articles or the Jerusalem Declaration.

Cornerstone Church Colchester is committed to high standards in the safeguarding and care of children, young people and adults at risk.

We have adopted the safeguarding standards developed by ThirtyOne:Eight ‘Staying Safe and Secure’. Please contact our safeguarding officer if you ever have any concerns. Alternatively, please contact the ThirtyOne:Eight helpline directly on 0303 003 1111


Contact us at

or contact our pastor, John Parker, at 


Registered Charity 1201873 Operating as a CIO

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